spring flowers, notting hill gate
We arrived on 14 March (feels like a life time ago now) and met my uncle and soon to be Aunt at the airport and they scooted us back to Stewartby. It was a very strange feeling to go from the end of summer into the beginning of Spring - lots of bare trees, a chill to the air, and tonnes of daffodils.
Spent about 4 nights in Stewartby, mainly resting and getting over the jet lag. Spent an afternoon in Oxford, wondering around the university and enjoying some sunshine. We had forgotten that in England, when the sun comes out, so do aaaaaaaalllllll the people!! Lunching at cafes, shopping, walking dogs, students punting along the canals... really beautiful. We also visited a brilliant antiques shop in Ampthill, and when the first official pay cheque comes in I might treat myself to an art deco lamp I spied!

Michael, Patsy, Jay and I, in Oxford
Most of you have probably heard my woeful tale about the 'mankle' but I'll repeat for those who missed it... While in Stewartby I managed to 'fall' into a pot hole and sprain my ankle while taking the dog for a walk, and a very kind lady gave us a lift home in her car. Needless to say really, mankle swelled up like a balloon and went a fantastic shade of puce! Spent the rest of the time at Stewartby on the couch with mankle covered in frozen peas, watching re-runs of Scrubs and Frasier (looooooove the comedy channel!!) and feeling very sorry for myself. More so, because we had to don the packs and take ourselves into London for a few nights...
In London we stayed at an OK-ish backpackers near Chiswick, FULL of Aussies and Kiwis, some of these people were long stayers, and basically spent all their free time in the bar at the hostel and only made friends with other long stayers... so not a great place... Also seemed to be a popular hostel for Italian school groups, so it was an interesting mix... We got ourselves set up with the Britbound mob, definitely recommend it for anyone else heading over to UK to work, they get you a bank account and NI number sorted, without all the hassle of interviews, etc... Plus it's a good social network... Spent the time being tourists, won a pub bingo comp and organised our trip to Copenhagen.

Rosenborg Slot (palace)
Arrived in Copenhagen and nearly died from cold exposure!! Have never felt so cold in my life and it was supposedly Spring - not to mention sans snow - it still alludes me!! Had a great week in Copenhagen, and it was really wonderful to catch up with Jo and Stine again. Crashed in Stine's apartment, Jay being the gentleman took the airbed and I got the comfiest couch in the world, woke up every morning to the dulcet tones of the Whitlams thanks to Jo's mobile phone alarm, can't listen to Louis Bidet anymore without smiling! We hired bikes and went about as the locals do, learnt to ride on the wrong side of the road and to signal for a left hand turn (nearly killed myself a couple of times...), not to forget the bruise I obtained from forgetting the rear-wheel brake! Spent the week being tourists... Visited the National Museum and looked at viking treasure, left the EU briefly to visit Christiania (which is a hippy commune in a rather trendy part of town), saw the palace and met the Little Mermaid...

Jay and I looking like cold, shivering mushrooms, Christianshavn.
Danish cuisine was brilliant! Tried Smorrebrod (open sandwiches) at the famous Ida Davidsen cafe, which was delicious - bought the cookbook and she signed it too! Had dinner with Stine's family, again very yummy, and nice to be in a family home again! Went out on the town with Stine's friends, had a bit too much to drink and had an 'interesting' bike ride home... felt rotten the next day, but recovered with pastries and went to see the 'watchmen' (bit disappointing but good sound track).

Ghana food stall, Portabello Rd Markets, Notting Hill
Headed back to London with a lot less money, but having had a brilliant time! Checked into the dive of all dives in Notthing Hill. When looking for a place in London, NEVER stay at Boden Court!! Toilets/showers are feral, the other guests are feral (smoking pot and ciggies inside, loud suspicious noises, soiling the already bad toilets, disdainful), the food they serve wouldn't pass health regulations and heaven forbid you ask for wheat free, no guest kitchen, expensive Internet, expensive laundry!!! Hell!!! Only surpassed by our Kiwi friend, who stayed in a place with an 'E' post code, ie East London, which had rat sack tapped to the top of the bunk!!
We spent two weeks in hell, I mean Notting Hill, and started the stomach churning process of job hunting in London during a recession. Jay had the first interview, which he still hasn't heard back from and I filled out numerous applications and signed up with recruitment agencies. We also decided it would be better to put our money towards rent and started looking for a room in a share flat. Found ourselves a very comfortable room in a share flat in West Hampstead, which we're really enjoying. Really great flat mates, bills included, all in all a good find. Not to mention one of our housemates is training to be a chef, so the group dinners are fantastic!!! Only one bonafide Englishman, who is patiently explaining the complexities of football to us...
The mankle is healing up, Jay hurt is shoulder (we're quite the pair, his involved a trip to a delightful NHS hospital in Whitechapel though...) I've found full time work - details to come when it's all finalised - but I'm very excited. Otherwise I've been temping at a public library in Kensal on Golborn Rd, which is worlds apart from the NLA, but am really enjoying it! It's across the road from a fairly famous housing estate Trelick Towers, which is rather imposing and quite daunting to walk past, but the area is generally safe, and Golborn Road is brilliant! It's a really multicultural area, lots of Morrocan, North African, and Portuguese people, and for 2nd hand markets it beats Portabello, which is just waaaay too pricey. Since drafting this entry Jay has had another interview and got the job, as a projectionist at a cinema in Shephards Bush (west london... full of Australians and Kiwis...) so YAY! Go team!
Have caught up with our old high school mate Gibbs a couple of times and have met his London mates, who are also really friendly, and good fun. Went out to the London Zoo together, and hit a 'white wedding' themed disco in North London (Nat and Griff, I have some music suggestions!!!!) Heading out to a country carnival on Sunday, which should be wholesome I'm sure!! We also head off to the Britbound social events regularly, such as friday drinks, sports days in the park, etc... Looking forward to my uncle's wedding, seeing mum and dad, hopefully catching up with Em in Amsterdam, organising summer holidays, heading up north to visit Tam and Amanda, and off to Oktoberfest with Jo in Autumn!
This covers most of the points I think! Will try to post more regularly! Send news from home and the NLA - we miss everyone soooo very much!!! Congrats again to James and Carolyn, we're really happy for you both - can't wait to meet Blobby!!! Not long to go Leo and you can kiss uni goodbye, hang in there!!! All the best with the new job Maggie May!!! Mum and Dad, book your tickets!!!! All the best with house plans Claire and Pat!!! LA land, how's the new Paper plate cafe at the NLA??? Give the puppies a big hug from us!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lucy and Jay.
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